
Businesses today face many challenges related to sustainability, such as dealing with climate change, using up natural resources, being accountable to stakeholders, and ensuring good corporate governance.


Jubilant Agri & Consumer Products Limited (JACPL) strives towards sustainable business i.e. business not just based on financial performance, but with a broader set of development goals. JACPL conducts its business in accordance with the concept of “triple bottom line” focusing equally on economic, social and environment aspects of sustainability.

JACPL believes in manufacturing high quality products with minimum impact on the environment and keeping in mind the requirement of valued customers. While manufacturing products, we emphasize on resource conservation, quality assurance, energy efficiently, reducing pollution and health & safety of employees and community where we operate.

The Company believes in Inclusive growth i.e. growth of the key stakeholders along with the Company and encourages transparency, accountability and good governance practices across all facets of business. The Company has adopted integrated policy on Environment, Health & Safety and Sustainability Mission steering business towards long term success.

The team at Corporate Level reviews monitors and provides guidance for continual improvement of Environment, Health & Safety matters of the company and reports to the Management on monthly basis. This team is assisted by qualified professionals at each location/plants to maintain the systems in the company. The company’s EHS performance is regularly audited both through internal audits and Third party external audits, as per need.

Resource Conservation

JACPL is committed for the planned management of natural resources to optimize the utilization, efficient usage, reuse, and recycling of resources. JACPL aims to use resources sustainably - more efficiently and with minimum impact to the environment and human health. The Company’s conservation strategy on usage of resources enables direct economical benefits like direct cost savings and also benefits the environment by reducing air emissions, effluent & waste minimization and mitigating climate change.

The Company endeavours to minimise the energy consumed and wastes generated at all production stages, from raw material procurement through the lifecycle of the product right up to the final disposal.


JACPL understands business risks and opportunities relating to water scarcity and is committed to promote responsible water management. We acknowledged the fundamental need for more detailed work on water conservation, efficiency and productivity. The strategy adopted by JACPL is to use water efficiently, recycle and reuse wherever possible, explore options where water consumption can be reduced, use of latest technology to treat the effluent and maintaining the status of zero effluent discharge.

For minimizing usage of water, various efforts such as mopping in place of hosing for cleaning of floors, reusing low graded products for cleaning the blending vessels & reactors of high graded products and regular monitoring of water usage etc. are practiced in our plants.

Climate Change and Energy Conservation

Climate change poses a major threat to the business as well. Through decisions to invest in researching and implementing new energy technology and energy efficiency measures, business plays an important role in mitigating climate change. JACPL is committed to address the challenges of climate change through deployment of energy efficient technologies, product responsibility and sustainable use of resources

The Climate Change Mitigation Policy of JACPL guide in setting up a roadmap to address the risks and opportunities related to climate change.

Air Emissions

JACPL considers clean air as an asset and continues to enhance the technology and upgrade processes to reduce its impact on the quality of air. JACPL has installed adequate treatment facilities to ensure necessary compliance. Regular monitoring of all stacks is being done by third party for the concentration of pollutants being released into the atmosphere.

Effluent Management

Effluent management is on high priority for the Company to reduce its ecological impact. We have been encouraging and following innovative and efficient ways to reduce the effluent. A major achievement has been production of Sodium Silico Flouride (SSF) from the waste scrubber water used in the production process of fertilizer Single Super Phosphate (SSP).

At Samalaya Unit of the Company, the effluent after primary treatment is sent to an authorized common effluent treatment facility. These are few endeavors that clearly showcase effective and efficient effluent management by the Company.

Waste Management

The company generates very low quantity of hazardous waste from its operations and follows methodologies to reuse the waste generated in the plants, for instance recovery of sulfur from sludge in the fertilizer plant at Gajraula Unit of the Company. Reuse of Silica in SSP is another example of waste utilization in the fertilizer plants at Gajraula & Kapasan. The Hazardous waste that is not being treated / utilized at the Unit is sent to the vendors authorized by the State Pollution Control Boards.


JACPL’s approach adopted to handle various aspects of safety includes

  • Identification of hazards and assessment of risk involved in various activities carried out at product development stage as well as in the plant.
  • Safety training is imparted to both employees as well as contract workers regularly.
  • Fire being a major hazards in all its operations, an elaborate fire fighting system is installed comprising alarm systems, manual call points, sprinkler systems, pressurized fire hydrant system, fire tenders and well trained human resource to handle emergencies
  • Develop and implement effective systems such as work permits, mock drills, system of reporting incidents, identifying the root cause of the same and built in preventive measures etc.
  • Comprehend and in-corporate necessary safety measures at the design stage itself.
  • ‘On site emergency’ plan which is updated regularly, training imparted, mock drills organized to fine tune the emergency plans.
  • Carrying out HAZOP/ HAZAN studies, developing safety data sheets, selection of suitable material of construction, developing standard operating procedures, carrying out hazardous area classification are some of the methods adopted to handle safety aspects of company’s operations.

JACPL’s approach towards safety management is based on the mix of Lag and Lead indicators. In terms of Lag indicators, employees are involved in reporting the near misses.

Occupational health

Occupational Health Approach

All employees as a part of their annual Health Checkups are examined. During the examination they are counseled on communicable & non communicable disease control, balanced diet, healthy heart & first aid. If any deviation is noticed in their medical records, specialist advice is sought & necessary treatment is given. An annual medical surveillance plan of such employees is maintained & they are followed up with necessary lifestyle modification measures, if required. In addition, we are also carrying out identification of various factors adversely affecting working environment and impacting the health of workers for necessary corrective action.